Organize a purchasing process efficiently into a good idea. This can save you a lot of time and money. It really only brings benefits. Therefore, analyze carefully whether there is room for improvement. What are the steps in the purchasing process and how do you organize them as efficiently as possible? You can read that in this blog. The steps of a purchasing processIn a purchasing process, the process is mapped out for purchasing goods and/or services. This is often divided into 6 steps, which are explained below:
In each phase it is important to look at how the process can run more efficiently. In this way errors can be removed and improved. If the purchasing process goes as smoothly as possible, that is the most ideal. Optimizing indirect procurement can save you a lot of money and time. Outsourcing can be a good ideaOutsourcing the purchasing process can certainly be a good idea. This way you don’t have to deal with the implementation of this, but you do keep control over everything. You therefore decide for yourself which suppliers you work with. Purchasing often works with many different suppliers, but by means of invoice management, the supplier base can be reduced to 1 large supplier. That way you only have 1 point of contact, 1 invoice and 1 payment term. By outsourcing purchasing to us, we help you to reduce indirect costs. You can fully focus on the core activities and continue to determine which products you purchase. So you remain in full control. The internal costs, also called TCO, can be reduced by up to 21%. Outsource your purchasing process or part of it and save time and money. |