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The biggest flexes of a gated community

If you are lucky enough to be residing in a gated community, feel free to brag to yourself for a bit because that is quite fortunate. Not all gated communities are this haven of luxury, that we are aware of, but having the extra layer of protection and fun ammenities that living in a gated community brings would make anyone a bit jealous. If you don’t live in a gated community but are thinking about moving into one, use this blog post to convince yourself into taking the opportunity. There are so many pros of moving into a gated community, of course, there are also some cons, the biggest one being the price. But if you can afford it, why not?


Here are certain pros of a gated community that is conisdered such a big flex.


Way better security

It’s right in the name, gated community. Those are the two best words that would remind anyone of security. Everyone knows that the best protection you can get in any neighborhood or area you live in, is the community there. That is the main component in a safe neighborhood. And of course, there are the gates. Normally, gated communities have security guards and cameras in relevant areas to be able to ensure the safety of everyone that lives there. However, if your gated community is not making use of a long range RFID system, maybe bring it up somehow. This will upgrade your security even more in a subtle and non constricting way. On you can find more information about it.


A pool

Now, this is the height of luxury for man people. If it’s a private pool or a community one, having either one is a huge flex. And if you are somehow living in a heaven made gated community and have both a private and community pool, please don’t tell us. We are all jealous enough of you. And if you have any kids, their birthday parties will be an absolute rager when their friends find out they have access to a pool.


A gym

Having a gym in a gated community isn’t common but it also isn’t rare. However, it is one of those amenities that is so convenient. You won’t need to drive anywhere far to get a workout in. Plus, going to the community gym can be a great way to make some friends. Then your birthday party can be a rager too.